Bent Lee von Closed
“Having kids made me
an even more professional person”
Bent Lee ist 34, Vater von zwei Kindern – Storm, 7 Jahre und Sia Paulina, 2 Jahre – und arbeitet seit vier Jahren nicht etwa als Model, sondern im Außendienst für CLOSED in Copenhagen. Zusammen mit der Personality-Plattform hat das Familienunternehmen aus Hamburg einige seiner Mitarbeiter für seine Archive 85 Kollektion portraitiert.
Wir fanden den Daddy mit den südkoreanischen Wurzeln so spannend, dass wir ihm natürlich gleich mit ein paar Fragen zu seinem Alltag abseits des beschaulichen Fahrradtourismus löchern mussten:
Wie haben deine Frau, Kristina Pasuna (oben rechts im Bild), und du sich kennen gelernt?
I met my wife from way back. Growing up in the same small city in Denmark, Silkeborg, but me being 6 years older than Kristina. So at that time I had no interest in her, as I was only 20 years. But 6 years later, after I had moved to Copenhagen, and at that time was sales responsible for an agency in Copenhagen, which also had a retail space, Kristina and I by coinsidence meet again in our hometown…. I think for christmas…. We had a talk about this and that, and it all ended up me offering her a job if she ever would move to Copenhagen, which was my luck, as she 5 months later came knocking on the door asking for the job! I had at time totally forgotten my offer, but by seeing her it all came back to me, and before I knew it, she was our new store manager. We work very professional and very close in the year after that led to feelings and we fell in love. A few month later I changed my job to a new position for a swedish brand.
Wie hat sich dein Berufsleben verändert, seit du Kinder hast?
Having kids ist the best thing that I could ever wish for together with my wife. For me having kids made me an even more structured and professional person in my business.
My desk is with a lot of organized mess, notes and posters. Beside my laptop, I have my list of to do, and no matter what I do, it is always a full page. Hahaha. Planning ist the key, and avoid the plan sometimes is the heart.
Worauf kannst du als Daddy nicht mehr verzichten?
Every morning, no matter how many task I might have, we have a rule that we should sit by the morning table and have breakfast together! Minimum 25 min all together, and hereafter the routine starts. I would not miss this for the world, as it form e is so important to get a good start in each day!
Was war der beste Ratschlag, den dir deine Eltern je gegeben haben?
Be kind to others! You will be amazed of what you get in return, that cannot be bought for money.
Was kannst du von deinen Kindern lernen?
One thing I learn from my kids is to be a role model that they can be proud off. Looking in the eyes of them see their untouched love for one, is such a strong feeling, and being a role model I hope they will do the same one day.
Wie schafft man es trotz Kindern nicht auf Lifestyle zu verzichten?
I honestly think that if you are making renounce to you life after having kids, it is your own choice. Do what you still love to do, but maybe not as often, but life does not stop!
Vielen Dank Bent, dass Du Dir Zeit genommen hast!